Hangar Challenge

This is a competition for everyone! Every month, 30 boulders will be waiting for you to challenge them and push your limits!

Easy Peasy Hangar Challenge Competition Rules:
1. The competition takes place in the spirit of FAIRPLAY!
2. Everyone records their results themselves in the TOP LOGGER application.
3. There are three categories: Hobby, Sport and Elite. Your task is to climb as many boulders as possible in the fewest attempts! Boulders are marked with Hangar Challenge cards numbered 1-30. The difficulty of the boulders goes up, so if you want to warm up nicely, start at number one.
4. Each boulder starts with the starting holds, which are marked with plastic markers in the color of the boulder, and ends with the TOP hold, which is marked with one marker. For TOP, you need to put both hands on the grip.
5. The race runs all month! From 15th day in a month till 15th day of the next month. Exceptions are days when the first day of the Hangar Challenge falls on a weekend or holiday. In this case, we start either a day earlier or a day later.

What will you win?
The bravest climber in each category will win free entry to the Hangar and a magnesium cube to go with it. Winners will be posted on the Hangar Challenge Winners board posted on the wall.

How to log Hangar Challenge in TOP LOGGER?
1. Download the TOP LOGGER application.
2. Register and find a gym – Hangar Ostrava.
3. In the currency, click on the COMPETITIONS box.
4. Choose the Hangar Challenge race.
5. Take a look at the boulders that await you and click on REGISTER below. This will enter you into the race.
6. Individual boulders are marked with numbers 1-30. Click on the boulder you are climbing. A boulder card like the one in the picture will open. In the card, you can write down the number of attempts (each attempt = click on the TRY field), to record the climb, click on TOP and if you climbed the boulder on the first attempt, select the FLASH field. We will be happy if you rate the boulder for us with stars.